Instagram 更新, 加入三款滤镜, 并可以用 Emoji Hashtags

Instagram New Filters

Instagram 又再有更新 v6.20.0,今次再加入三款滤镜效果,分别是 Lark, Reyes, 和 Juno。三款新滤镜实际做到什么效果呢?Lark 会将红色饱和度降低,但就推高蓝色和绿色;而 Reyes 为相片加入灰濛复古效果,至于 Juno 就将冷色系偏向绿, 并将暖色系强调突出。

Lark desaturates reds while punching up blues and greens to bring your landscapes to life.

Reyes brings a dusty, vintage look to your moments.

Juno tints cool tones green while making warm tones pop and whites glow for vibrant photos of people.

Emoji Hashtags
除了三个新 Filter 外,今次在 Hashtag 方面亦有新改进。过往只可以用文字做 Hashtag,新版本下可以使用 Emoji 符号作为 Hashtag。

With emoji hashtags, you can discover even more by adding them to your own photos and videos, searching them on the Explore page and tapping on them when you see them in captions.
