Sony Xperia Z 下星期开始 Lollipop 升级

Sony Xperia Z Lollipop

Sony Philippines 在 Twitter 表示,Xperia Z 手机的 Lollipop 升级将会在下星期开始。不知其他地区的 Xperia Z Lollipop 更新是否也在相若时间推出呢?

Lollipop update for Xperia Z will start rolling out by next week

Xperia Z2, Z3 Lollipop Changelog
另外,Sony 亦贴出了 Xperia Z2 和 Z3 的 Lollipop Changelog 详情,包括在 Recent Apps 页面内加入 Close-All 按钮, 在不同的音效模式下 LED 都会保持亮着, 在 Ultra Stamina Mode 下改善 Messaging 操作等。

– Ensured the lock screen / notification bar doesn’t indicate “no service” when the device has coverage

– Added a Sony feature; bringing back the “close-all-button” in the activity menu, so you can easily close all apps at once

– Unblocked devices with server policies (such as Exchange Active Sync for e-mail), to enable the new Lollipop lock-screen notifications

– Ensured the LED light is lit across all sound modes – and no longer offset by “silent”

– Made the necessary fixes to enable the easy movement of content from internal memory to external microSD card (something we saw affecting a few devices)

– Improved messaging functionality in Ultra stamina mode – some conversations could not be opened before in Ultra stamina mode

Source: 1, 2
