Sony Xperia Z1 系列开始 Android 5.0.2 升级

Xperia Z Lollipop

Sony 在 Xperia Support Forum 贴文更新,表示今天开始为 Xperia Z1 系列推送 新的 Android 5.0.2 Lollipop 升级,包括 Xperia Z1, Xperia Z1 Compact 和 Xperia Z Ultra。Anroid 5.0.2 的 Build Number 为 14.5.A.0.270。至于 Changelog 方面,就同之前在 Z2, Z3 推出的一样,包括修正在 Lock Screen 显示 No Service 问题, 在 Recent Apps 画面加入 Close All Button, 在各个音效模式包括静音模式下 LED 灯运作等。这个 Android 5.0.2 更新已经推出,但各个国家地区推出就有先后分别。

Ensured the lock screen / notification bar doesn’t indicate “no service” when the device has coverage

Added a Sony feature; bringing back the “close-all-button” in the activity menu, so you can easily close all apps at once

Unblocked devices with server policies (such as Exchange Active Sync for e-mail), to enable the new Lollipop lock-screen notifications

Ensured the LED light is lit across all sound modes – and no longer offset by “silent”

Made the necessary fixes to enable the easy movement of content from internal memory to external microSD card (something we saw affecting a few devices)

Improved messaging functionality in Ultra stamina mode – some conversations could not be opened before in Ultra stamina mode

Source: Sony Xperia Support Forum
