Google 解释 Android 6.0 Wallpaper 创作过程

Android 6.0 Marshmallow Wallpaper

Android 每个新版本,除了会有新功能外,亦会有一些新的 Wallpaper,在 Android 6.0 Marshmallow 内同样有新 Wallpaper。

Android 6.0 几款新 Wallpaper,看上去似是用电脑软件绘制不同的图案拼合组成。但原来 Wallpaper 是利用多张不同的形状的卡纸,拼砌再利用相机进行拍摄。

其实由 Material Design 开始,Google Designer 都是依靠不同的卡纸拼凑,制作几张 Wallpaper。而在 Android 6.0 Marshmallow 就继续这一做法,亦采用了不同纹理不同质感的卡纸,跟之前 Lollipop 单纯颜色表达有所不同。

Android 6.0 Marshmallow Wallpaper Design

For the introduction of Material Design, we commissioned Kleiner to create three pieces called “paperscapes.” The pieces were constructed out of multiple paper-types, and were released with the Material Design guidelines as well as for the hero image and photographic set for Lollipop and various marketing collateral

The Marshmallow set plays up subtle shifts in tone and texture instead of relying primarily on bold color shifts. As Kleiner describes it, “We wanted to work with surfaces that have a subtle and sophisticated texture,” Kleiner says, “organic to the touch and graphic in composition…Painted surfaces, color pigment powders, floating ink and the like.”

Source: Google Design
