Moto X Force 1000呎高空坠下, 丝毫无损

Motorola Moto X Force Drop Test

一般的 Drop Test 都会模拟日常情况,在桌面高度, 在人的高度左右进行。现在 Drop Test 越来越疯狂,在印度就有人将 Motorola Moto X Force 带上半空,在 1000呎高空坠下。

the surface was packed dirt, tight enough for a takeoff and not as soft as it seems and definitely not sand of mud ! The falling speed of the thrown phone is somewhere between 280-360 kmph, and where the phone fell the ground was tough .

根据贴片者在 Youtube Comment,虽然地面不是石屎,但也是十分粗糙,手机坠落地面的速度亦十分高。结果呢?坠下后在地面找回手机。手机居然丝毫无损,更是没有一丝花痕,手机亦可如常操作。去片看看
