OnePlus 3 快将公布,而上一代的 OnePlus 2 亦终于迎来 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow 更新。OxygenOS 3.0.2 将会推送至 OnePlus 2 手机,更新会分批推送至用家手机,预计会在 48小时全部完成。
今次 OxygenOS 3.0.2 包含了 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow 更新,有 Doze Mode,而系统表现亦会改进。另外,OxygenOS 自家亦有一些改仕,包括改善指纹扫描的效能和辨识度,新的 OnePlus Camera 界面并改进 AutoFocus,Shelf UX 亦会有改进。
Recents App 界面亦有改动,可以 Lock Apps 不会被清走,亦加设 Clear Process 可更有效控制背景程序。另外,Swiftkey App 也会更新至 6.3.3 版本。
Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow upgrade
Enhanced Doze mode for better battery life
System wide performance improvements
Improved fingerprint sensor performance and recognition
New OnePlus Camera UI and AF optimization
MaxxAudio and Tuner have been removed. We have integrated with Dirac HD Sound technology for the speaker so you get a great experience without the knobs and dials
Shelf UX has been improved. You can now long press to edit a board
You can now lock apps in recents so they won’t be cleared away. We’ve also added clear process in addition to clear-all for those of you who want a better control of background processes
Network operator selection will now stick to your choice so you don’t accidentally roam onto unintended networks
Swiftkey update to 6.3.3
Source: OnePlus