Samsung 确认 8月2日公布 Galaxy Note 7

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Unpacked

之前已有不少流传消息,Samsung 会在 8月初公布新一代 Galaxy Note,现在终于确认,Samsung 公布将会在 8月2日于美国纽约, 巴西和伦敦同时举行 Galaxy Note Unpacked 2016 发布会,公布 Galaxy Note 7。

而 Note 7 亦同时获得确认。Samsung 会跳过 Note 6,新一代 Galaxy Note 名字会是 Note 7。Samsung 解释 Note 7 可以跟 Galaxy S7 和 S7 Edge 的型号配合,使旗下的产品组合更一致。采用 Note 7 名字亦可减少 Samsung 最新手机技术应用的混乱。

First and foremost though, you might be curious as to why it’s called Galaxy Note7 instead of Galaxy Note6. There are a couple reasons why. First, the Galaxy Note7 will complement our Galaxy S7 and S7 edge, and unify our product portfolio. Second, the Galaxy Note7 will minimize confusion about the latest mobile technology from Samsung, and provide full alignment with Galaxy S smartphone.

至于 Note 7 的资料,新闻稿内只有简单提及,Note 7 会有大屏幕,并会为 S Pen 增加功能,无论在手家中, 工作以至其他地方,Note 7 也可以帮到用家。

With added functionality of the S Pen and large screen, the Galaxy Note7 is a powerful instrument for achievement and self-expression, and is made for those who want to get the most from their phones – and their lives. Galaxy Note7 will help people do more in work, at home and everywhere in between. We can’t wait to tell you more about it!

Source: Samsung
