CyanogenMod 终结, LineageOS 开始

Lineage OS

经过一轮争议,Cyanogen Inc. 公司旗下不少员工会离开,包括 Cyanogen 创始人 Steve Kondik,CyanogenMod 亦到达终结时。 Cyanogen Inc. 宣布 Cyanogen Services 和 Cyanogen 支援的 Nightly Builds 亦会在 2016年12月31日终止。

As part of the ongoing consolidation of Cyanogen, all services and Cyanogen-supported nightly builds will be discontinued no later than 12/31/16. The open source project and source code will remain available for anyone who wants to build CyanogenMod personally.

即是话,由 Cyanogen Inc. 提供的基建架构 包括 Nightly Buiild Servers 会停止,而 CyanogenMod Official Development 亦会终止。

新名字 Lineage OS
另一方面 CyanogenMod 团队亦贴文交代,表示除了基建架构终止,团队亦无法就 CM 表达意见。 CyanogenMod 往后的变化,未来就会以新命字 LineageOS 出发,背后同样有 Steve Kondik 参与,依旧是一个由大众主导的项目。

In addition to infrastructure being retired, we in the CM community have lost our voice in the future direction of CM

It will come as no surprise that this most recent action from Cyngn is definitely a death blow for CyanogenMod.

We will take pride in our Lineage as we move forward and continue to build on its legacy

Lineage OS 亦设立了网站,暂时未有特别的消息,内容写着 “This is us”,表示 LineageOS 会是 CyanogenMod 的延续,并指就算 Open Source Project 就算不再获得公司支援亦代表它会就此告终。最后就写着 星期二会有更多资料发放。

So, yes, this is us. LineageOS will be a continuation of what CyanogenMod was. To quote Andy Rubin, this is the definition of open. A company pulling their support out of an open source project does not mean it has to die.

Lineage OS 网站
