Google 新 App “Trusted Contacts”, 分享位置保障个人安全

Trusted Contacts

Google 推出了新 App 名为 “Trusted Contacts”,是一个关于个人安全的 App。”Trusted Contacts” 可以设立指定的联络人,用以分享位置资料。

Trusted Contacts is a personal safety app that opens a direct line of sharing between you and your loved ones.

“Trusted Contacts” 设立指定联络人,双方就可以向对方查问所在的位置。例如深夜担心对方在回家路上情况,可以发出 “Ask for Location”,对方就会收到要求,这时可选择回答 “Decline” 拒绝 或 分享位置。若对方在五分钟内没回应,App 也会自动分享位置,就算是 Offline 或无电也可以。

Trusted ContactsTrusted Contacts

另一种形式是主动分享,可以向设定的联络人分享位置,App 就会分享你的当前位置给对方,对方可以随时检视,位置分享会一直进行 24小时又或直至停止分享。

Trusted Contacts AppTrusted Contacts Maps

每个 “Trusted Contacts” 对下也会有 Status 简短显示 Trusted Contacts 的状态。

• Add your closest friends and family as trusted contacts
• Allow trusted contacts to request your location. If everything’s fine, you can deny the request, but if you’re unable to respond your location is shared automatically (works even if you’re offline or your phone is out of battery)
• Proactively share your location if you feel unsafe or find yourself in an emergency
• Your trusted contacts can see your phone’s activity status to quickly know you’re OK

“Trusted Contacts” 十分适合跟屋企人使用,尤其是老人家和小朋友,可减低走失, 迷路的风险。不过要留意,App 的操作界面是全英文,没有中文界面。
