Facebook Messenger 加入 “Live Location” 功能

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger 有新功能推出,名为 “Live Location”。

“Live Location” 可以将自己的实时位置显示于对话框内,不论是一对一的朋友对话,还是群组对话 Group Chat 也可以。”Live Location” 会在对话框内显示地图,并会实时更新当前位置,而最长可以显示一小时的位置追踪。有了这个 “Live Location” 功能,约朋友会面就可以更加清楚对方现在身在何地,那些 “两三个站就到”, “转个弯就到” 相信都无所遁形。

Live Location is helpful when trying to coordinate with friends, telling people how close you are when you’re on your way to an appointment, or even sharing where you are with your roommate when you’re on your way home at night. You can share your Live Location with a group of friends in Messenger or just with one person

要启用这个功能分享位置,只要在对话框内点按 Location Icon,跟着点按下面蓝色 Bar 就开始分享即时位置。默认最长会分享一小时,但用家可以随时终止。

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