国际太空站 Google 街景图

Google StreetView International Space Station

Google 街景图已经去过很多不同的地方,古蹟, 海底, 雪山, 节日庆典等都有街景图,可以让大家妨如置身现场一样。最新 Google 街景图又有新突破,就是国际太空站街景图。

今次是 Google 跟欧洲太空总署合作,并由欧洲太空总署的太空人 Thomas Pesquet 于今年上半年进行。整个国际太空站街景图由十七组图组成,展示了太空站内各个舱的不同部份,亦由太空舱内从太空回看地球。在街景图内亦特别做了一些标记,并附有详细文字说明作介绍,会介绍太空人资料, 食物, 以至正在进行的实验。

Google StreetView International Space Station

The mission was the first time Street View imagery was captured beyond planet Earth, and the first time annotations—helpful little notes that pop up as you explore the ISS—have been added to the imagery. They provide additional information or fun facts like where we work out to stay physically fit, what kind of food we eat, and where we conduct scientific experiments.


