PUBG Mobile 推出了 0.12.0 版本,推出 EvoZone 取代本身的 Event Mode,内里就有全新的 Darkest Night。
Darkest Night 玩法是在跟丧尸战斗一整夜,到黎明时仍能存活的团队就胜出。
至于 Survive Till Dawn 亦有不少更新,加添不少武器装备 Liquid Nitrogen Grenades, RPG-7, Jungle Style Magazines 等。另一方面 Zombies 亦会有改进,包括有 Jumping Zombies, Zombie Dogs, Zombies 亦可攀爬矮墙。
Changes to Survive Till Dawn:
– Stun Grenades now also stun zombies
– Added Liquid Nitrogen Grenades to freeze enemies and reduce their movement speed
– Added jumping zombies and zombie dogs
– Some zombies can now climb over low walls or onto roofs
– Added RPG-7 and Jungle Style Magazines
– Flamethrowers now deal more damage
– M134 handling has been tuned
– Players will gain affixes that grant certain buffs
– Zombies now move slower after being hit by firearms
– Added Survive Till Dawn quick chat messages to Default and Classic voice packs
– Daily missions can now be completed in Survive Till Dawn
游戏其他方面亦有改进,玩家可以旁观朋友或队友正在参与的战斗,增设了一些新 Achievements,Quick Chat 改进等等。