Google Play Store 将增设 Kids Tab 和 Teacher Approved 标记

Google Play 商店内有数之不尽的 Apps 和游戏,虽然内里可设定家长监控Parental Control,可以限定按年龄显示不同的内容,但家长要在庞大数量下找寻合适儿童的内容还是有点困难。

Google Play 商店最新就推出 Kids Tab 分页,让儿童合适的内容更加集中。因应武汉肺炎疫情,儿童都留在家中不用上学,花更多时间于电子屏幕上,Google 特意将 Kids Tab 分页提早推出,Kids Tab 的内容全都是富教育意义和娱乐性的应用,家长可以更容易找寻适合儿童的内容。

Google Play Kids Tab

至于 Teacher Approved 标记是由 Google 跟不同的学者和教师合作制订,Apps 需要经过教师评核和符合一系列标准包括年龄适合度, 体验质素, 启发性等,才可获得 Teacher Approved 标记。

Google Play Teacher Approved Badge

Apps are rated on factors like age-appropriateness, quality of experience, enrichment, and delight. We include information in the app listing about why the app was rated highly to help parents determine if the app is right for their child.

Google Play Teacher Approved App

Kids Tab 和 Teacher Approved 标记会在未来数天率先在美国 Play Store 推出,之后几个就会陆续扩展至世界各地。

Source: Google
