之前 Google Duo, Facebook Messenger 等通讯 Apps 都推出了改进,现在 WhatsApp 亦推出了更新,群组通话增至最多 8人。
The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that many of us are isolated from friends and family. As a result, we see that people all over the world are turning to voice and video calling on WhatsApp more than ever before. Group calling has been particularly useful and our users have asked to connect with more people at once. Starting today, we’re doubling the number of participants you can have on a WhatsApp video or voice call from 4 to 8 people at a time.
在最新版本下,WhatsApp 群组通话不论是语音还是影像通话,都由最多 4人增至 8人。要使用这个 8人通话,所有参与者都需要安装最新版本才可使用。新版本已经在 Google Play Store 和 Apple Appstore 推出,可以前往进行更新。
通讯 Apps 应该是近期使用得最多的应用程式,在疫情保持社交距离下,大家都要靠通讯 Apps 跟朋友亲人联系。WhatsApp 亦透露疫情全球大流行下,全球每日使用超过150亿分钟 WhatsApp 通话时间。