CES 2021 改以数码形式举行

CES 2021 数码形式举行

美国消费电子展主办方 CTA 宣布,由于 COVID-19 全球大流行,基于公共健康䘙生考虑,明年一月举行的 CES 2021 将会改以数码形于网上举行。

“Amid the pandemic and growing global health concerns about the spread of COVID-19, it’s just not possible to safely convene tens of thousands of people in Las Vegas in early January 2021 to meet and do business in person,” said Gary Shapiro, president and CEO, CTA. “Technology helps us all work, learn and connect during the pandemic – and that innovation will also help us reimagine CES 2021 and bring together the tech community in a meaningful way. By shifting to an all-digital platform for 2021, we can deliver a unique experience that helps our exhibitors connect with existing and new audiences.”

CES 每年都会在一月初于美国拉斯维加斯举行,全球大大小小电子产品公司都会参与,可吸引10多万参加者。但在严峻疫情下,要确保这么高人流的公共健康和䘙生十分困难,再者企业亦不会冒险参与,所以更改为网上形式也是预计之中。

其实自今年二月 MWC 2020 取消后,各种大型的展览以至公司自行举办的产品发布会都延期或取消,继续举行的都改为网上形式,只简单的展示产品和简报。接下来 9月举行的 IFA 亦只集中在 B2B 以邀请活动形式进行,并不会向公众开放,公众只可以体验数码版的 IFA 2020 Special Edition。

