Google Chrome Autofill 功能, 将增设生物认证确认信用咭

Chrome Autofill 生物认证确认信用咭

Google Chrome Autofill 功能可以将一些常用资料储存,在填写网上表格时就可以自动填上,例如地址和付款信用咭资料。现时 Autofill 填上信用咭资料时,用家都需要再输入信用咭上的 CVC 以作确认,但将来就可以改用生物认证作确认。

Chrome 将让用家以生物认证 (例如指纹认证) 作登记以提取信用咭号码。在首次使用生物认证提取信用咭号码,用家仍需要填上 CVC 号码。之后再提取信用咭号码时,用家只需透过生物认证核实,不用再填写 CVC 号码。

Going forward, Chrome will allow you to enroll your device to retrieve card numbers via biometric authentication, such as your fingerprint. You still need to provide your CVC the first time you use your credit card, but for future transactions, you will be able to confirm your credit card using biometric authentication ᠆ instead of requiring you to pull out your wallet and type in its CVC.

Google 表示这项新增的认证功能,将会在未来几星期推出。届时做了生物认证,就不用再麻烦从银包找出信用咭再填写 CVC,方便很多。

Source: Chromium Blog
