Google Wear OS 更新, 提升效能, 加快 App 启动

Wear OS

Google 在 Wear OS Help Community 贴文公布将会为 Wear OS 推出更新,提升系统效能,并会三方面改进。

首先是速度提升,Google 为 Wear OS 系统作出改进,让 App 启动速度加快 20%。第二项是改进配对,设定 Wear OS 手表和配对程序都有所改善。最后还有电池使用时间提升。

不过 Google 整篇贴文都写得十分笼统,未有详细讲述当中的改动。例如关于改善电量,只写着智能手表会有更长的电池使用,完全没有讲及做了什么改进,亦没有讲出电量使用可提升多少。简单讲就是 App 启动快了 20%, 配对改善 并且有更长的电池使用时间。

Even faster than before
With the new update, your Wear OS smartwatch will keep up even better with the fast pace of your life. We’ve improved Wear OS from top to bottom, making the app launch and boot time up to 20% faster. You’ll see changes to the device controls making it even easier to manage different watch modes and workouts.

Pair in a snap
Setting up your Wear OS smartwatch has never been speedier! We have made enhancements to the pairing process, meaning you will be able to use your new smartwatch more reliably.

Better battery life
You want your smartwatch to match the pace of your lifestyle. With Wear OS, you can now do more throughout the day and enjoy a longer battery life on your smartwatch.

Google 表示更新会先在 Suunto 7 装置推出,在未来数月会陆续在其他厂商的智能手表推送。

Source: Wear OS Help Community
