消息指 Samsung 为 Google Pixel 折机提供 Ultra Thin Glass


两年前已有传言指 Google 考虑推出具备折叠萤幕的 Google Pixel 装置,上年亦曾有 Google 文件流出指折叠萤幕 Pixel 装置内部代号为 Passport 并预计可能在今年第四季推出。

最新韩国媒体 ETNews 报道,Samsung Display 旗下 Ultra-Thin Glass (UTG) 萤幕过往一直只供货予自家的折叠装置,最近根据业内人仕消息 Samsung Display 打算
销售 UTG 萤幕并会供货予其他智能电话厂商,预计亦会包括 Google 所开发的折叠萤幕装置。Samsung 打算在今年下半年开始向其他厂商供货,期望可将萤幕业务进一步拓展。

According to the industry on Sunday, it has been reported that Samsung Display is planning to sell its UTG to other smartphone manufacturers in order to strengthen its foldable display business. It is expected that its foldable OLED panel and UTG will be applied together for a foldable smartphone that Google is preparing

Ultra-Thin Glass (UTG) 是一种超薄玻璃,厚度只有 30μm,生产时经过特别处理程序,可提升柔软度和耐用度,极之适合用于折叠萤幕。Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 是最先采用 UTG,其后 Fold2 亦同样采用了 UTG。