Android 13 Beta 4.1 修正数个问题

Android 13 Beta 4.1

Google 在两星期前推出了 Android 13 Beta 4,也是 Android 13 正式推出前的最后 Beta 阶段。而一如过往,在最后阶段也会有一些错误修正,今早 Google 就推出了 Android 13 Beta 4.1 修正了数个小问题。

今次 Beta 4.1 修正了涉及 Wifi, Bluetooth, 以至关于 GPS 的问题,当中修正了连接部份 Wifi 网络会导致装置 Crash 甚至重启情况。另外,今次 Beta 4.1 亦一并更新了Google Play Services 至 22.21.16。

若 Pixel 装置之前已有 Android 13 Beta 的话,应会陆续收到 OTA 更新通知。

– Fixed an issue that prevented an app from enabling or disabling Bluetooth if it didn’t have the `BLUETOOTH_CONNECT` permission, even though the app was targeting a lower API level where the permission is not required.

– Fixed issues that sometimes caused a device to crash and reboot when connecting to certain WiFi networks.

– Fixed an issue where Google Meet connectivity could drop while driving.

– Fixed an issue where the system could incorrectly interpret GPS data.