Google 已正式推出了 Android 13 并开始向 Pixel 装置推送更新。不过有部份 Pixel 用家就表示,他们收到的更新郤是 Android 12 不是 Android 13。这个情况让用家十分困援,是不是 Google 弄错了,到底应否套用这个 Android 12 更新呢?
Google 最新就这个情况回应,Google 指部份 Pixel 运行是较旧的 Android 12 版本,因而还是会接收之前推送的 Android 12 更新和修正,由于时间上刚巧碰著 Android 13 推出而引致混乱。这个 Android 12 更新跟 Android 13 更新是分开不同的,Android 13 更新会在未来数星期陆续推送至用家装置。
简单来说,这些装置更新完 Android 12 后,稍后就会陆续收到 Android 13 更新。
On August 15, Pixel devices running an old version of Android 12 received a notification about a previously released Android 12 update with bug fixes. The messaging in the notification was confusing with the timing of Android 13, and is currently being changed for clarity.
This update is separate from the Android 13 release that started to roll out to all supported Pixel devices yesterday and will continue over the next few weeks, depending on the carrier. Users will receive a notification once the OTA becomes available for their device. We encourage users to check their Android version and update to receive the latest software when it is available for their carrier.