Android 品牌形像更新

Android new brand image

Android 在过去十多年时𣊺,品牌都经历了不少改动,过往采用的字母甜品代号 (jellybean, kitkat, lollipop …) 改为用简单的数字,如最新就是 Android 14,Android 的机器人 Logo 在外形上过往亦有改动。最新 Google 就公布 Android 品牌形象更新,以更好地呈现 Android 系统作为一个开放、逐步改进和包容的核心理念。

今次品牌形象的更新灵感来自 Material Design,目的是与 Google 品牌调色板相辅相成,而全新充满活力的机器人形象更反映个性。Android不再使用小写的 “android” 样式,而是将 “A” 改为大写。同时,新的 Android 样式更接近 Google 标志,并增加了更多与 Android 独特的曲线和个性。

Android robot 3d


The bugdroid — the face and most identifiable element of the Android robot — now appears with more dimension, and a lot more character. As a visual signifier of our brand, we wanted the bugdroid to appear as dynamic as Android itself. We’ve also updated the robot’s full-body appearance to ensure it can easily transition between digital and real-life environments, making it a versatile and reliable companion across channels, platforms and contexts.

Source: Google