Google 刚刚发布了Android 15 Beta 4,版本号为 AP31.240617.009。
Beta 4 是Android 15 测试计划中最后一个预定的更新,根据时间表下一步就是推出正式版,也就是跟下个月 Made by Google Event 和推出 Pixel 9 系列配合,当然也不能排除还会有 Beta 4.1 的出现。
这个 Beta 4 更新修复了多项问题,包括 锁屏画面内无需解锁操控的部件或会要求先进行解锁的问题,Quick Settings 的对比度导致难以阅读问题,少数情况下 Pixel设备在OTA 更新后短时间内恢复出厂设置后出现无法启动的问题,装置从备份还原后或会导致 App 通知设定未能还原的情况。下面是主要修正问题;
Developer-reported issues
– Fixed additional issues that caused the lock screen to intercept touch input and prompt the user to unlock the device, even when interacting with elements on the lock screen that don’t require the device to be unlocked. (Issue #348101427, Issue #345873537, Issue #349934610, Issue #348909727)
– Fixed an issue with contrast that made some elements in Quick Settings Tiles hard to read. (Issue #340944691)
– Fixed an issue that in some rare cases caused some Pixel devices to get stuck in an unbootable state if the device was factory reset shortly after an OTA system update was installed. (Issue #349860641, Issue #349978813)Other resolved issues
– Fixed an issue where sometimes an Android Virtual Device (AVD) using an Android 15 system image failed to launch if the AVD was launched in embedded mode.
– Fixed an issue that sometimes caused app notification settings to fail to be restored when restoring a device from backup.
– Fixed an issue for Pixel Fold devices that prevented a user from continuing Face Unlock enrollment if the device was folded or unfolded during the process.
– Fixed various other issues that were impacting system stability, connectivity, performance, usability, and camera.Bluetooth resolved issues
– Fixed a bug which prevented the Digital Car Key app from performing low latency scans when running in foreground.
– Made a fix to use custom UUIDs instead of standard HOGP service UUID in Android head-tracking service.
– Use head-tracking codec capabilities to detect transport support in LE Audio stack.
– Made a fix to prevent immediate rejection of Bluetooth pairing requests when there’s a mismatch between the API-suggested transport and the transport observed by the Bluetooth stack, potentially improving pairing success rates.
如果已经参与了 Android Beta 计划,将会自动收到 Android 15 Beta 4 的 OTA 更新。如果你尚未加入Android Beta 计划并希望参与,可以前往 登记加入。
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