Google 列出 22个理由忘记旧电话, 转用 Pixel 9 Pro

22个理由转用 Pixel 9 Pro

Google 列出 22个理由忘记旧电话, 转用 Pixel 9 Pro

继之前放出了两段 Pixel 9 Pro 和 Pixel 9 Pro Fold 宣传片后,Google 再在 Youtube 一段 Shorts 短片,列出了 22个理由让大家转用 Pixel 9 Pro。这些理由也就是一些应用场景和 Pixel 9 Pro 的功能介绍。

短片只有 8秒长,22个理由不断快速闪出。下面就逐一列出,让大家看清楚。

  1. Wishing your photo had more scenery
  2. Forgetting the movie your friend recommended
  3. Forgetting the show your friend recommended
  4. Phone calls where you can barely hear the other person
  5. Concert videos that look too far away
  6. Your toddler looking everywhere except the camera
  7. Scrubbing videos for answers
  8. Gatekeeping
  9. So many emails. So little time.
  10. Screening calls yourself
  11. Half the fam looking at the camera
  12. Not capturing the right moment
  13. Spending hours on hold
  14. The sky not being right
  15. The same old memes
  16. Lost in translation
  17. Forgetting what restaurant your friend liked
  18. Awkward photo requests to strangers
  19. Mom never being in the pic
  20. Photobombers
  21. Blurry photos
  22. Writer’s block