Sony Xperia S Android 4.0.4 ICS

Sony Xperia S Android 4.0 ICS 今天推出

Sony Xperia S Android 4.0.4 ICS

Sony Mobile 今天在官方网志公布,Xperia S 的 Android 4.0.4 ICS 升级正式推出,除了升级至 ICS 外,还会有一系列新的媒体应用 Apps,包括 WALKMAN, Album 和 Movies。

The “WALKMAN” application blends the best of signature Sony audio technology with social features; to discover the music your friends like and share personal favorites. Facebook integration gives you a visual way to interact with content – accessing album art, artist images and information, directly from Gracenote®

The “Album” application brings new intuitive ways to sort and browse high quality photos and videos in blazing speed, as well as providing instant viewing, commenting and sharing of photos on Facebook and other online albums, leveraging the great camera capabilities of Xperia S

The “Movies” application streamlines the playback and viewing of movies in high quality audio and video, whilst using intelligent database search to grab movie posters and information for a richer experience


Xperia 发光 LED Bar

闪动 Xperia X, P, U 发光 Bar, 作提示通知

Xperia 发光 LED Bar

各位 Xperia S, P, 或 U 的用家有好介绍。

这个《Illumination Bar Notification》App 可以控制手机的发光Bar,只要收到 SMS 或有未接来电就会闪动,更可调较闪动的速度!

Illumination Bar Notification: Have your Xperia illumination bar light up when you have received an SMS or you have missed a call.


Sony Xperia miro

Sony 新手机 Xperia miro

Sony Xperia miro

昨天跟大家提到 Sony Mobile 将会推出新手机,还在 Facebook 制作了一个 Event 要网友一齐 Forward。现在终于揭盅,新手机名为 Xperia miro。

The fun social smartphone
Xperia miro 主打 social 社交网络,整合连接 Facebook。还可以为各样的短信或社交网络讯息,自订不同的亮灯提示。


Sony Next Xperia Smartphone

Sony next Xperia 手机还有 “几” 日公布

Sony Next Xperia Smartphone

Sony Mobile 将会在几日后发布 next Xperia 手机。”几日” 是因为 Sony Mobile 做了一个 Facebook 玩意,只要越多人 Like 就可以将发布日期推前。

Amazing, your click has moved the next Xperia™ announcement another step closer!


Xperia ion 红色

Sony Xperia ion 还会有红色?

Sony Xperia ion 在 5月31日已经开卖,黑色镁铝合金机身,拿上手感觉非常好。但原来还会有红色版!

在 Sony Mobile 官网的图片库,就贴了红色的 Xperia ion 相片。
