Google 收购 QuickOffice

Google 收购 QuickOffice

Google 在官方Blog,公布有关收购 QuickOffice 的消息。

Google + Quickoffice = get more done anytime, anywhere

QuickOffice 是一个流动办公软件解决方案,在不同的手机平台也可以找到 QuickOffice,包括:Android, iPhone, iPad, Symbian S60。

Google 购入 QuickOffice 后,有助加强 Google 在办公室软件方面的实力,相信亦可以加强 Google Docs (即现在的 Google Drive ) 功能!

笔者还有一个想法,希望 Quick Office 会跟其他 Google App 会变成免费呢!(现在要一百多元呢)

We’re happy to announce that we have acquired Quickoffice, a leader in office productivity solutions.

Today, consumers, businesses and schools use Google Apps to get stuff done from anywhere, with anyone and on any device. Quickoffice has an established track record of enabling seamless interoperability with popular file formats, and we’ll be working on bringing their powerful technology to our Apps product suite.

Quickoffice has a strong base of users, and we look forward to supporting them while we work on an even more seamless, intuitive and integrated experience.

We’re excited to welcome the Quickoffice team and their users to Google.

资料来源:Google Blog
