Samsung 会严肃彻查 Galaxy S III 着火事件

Samsung Galaxy S III 着火, 爆炸 熔掉

有关昨天在爱尔兰的 Galaxy S III 着火自燃事件,Samsung 在官方网志简单表述了事件,并表示会尽快展开调查。

Samsung 在网志中只用了 “与热力相关的损毁” (heat-related damage) 来形容,并没有使用上着火, 爆炸或熔掉等字眼。

Samsung 表示,当调查完成后,就能对有关事件提供更多的资料。Samsung 亦承诺向顾客提供最安全的产品,并会严肃彻查今次事件。

There have been recent online posts displaying pictures of a Samsung GALAXY SIII that appears to have heat-related damage at the bottom of the device. Samsung is aware of this issue and will begin investigating as soon as we receive the specific product in question.

Once the investigation is complete, we will be able to provide further details on the situation. We are committed to providing our customers with the safest products possible and are looking at this seriously.

资料来源:Samsung Tomorrow
