Android 7.0 Nougat Update 可能导致 Nexus 5X Random Reboots

Nexus 5X Android 7.0 Nougat Random Reboot

Android 7.0 Nougat 已经推出了一段时间,Nexus 装置亦陆续有 OTA Update。但部份 Nexus 5X 用家在 Android 7.0 OTA 更新后,手机就遇到严重问题,手机会随时重新启动 Random Reboots。

有多个 Nexus 5X 用家在 Google Nexus Help Forum 上表示,手机更新后会无源无故重新启动。就算手机 Clear Cache Partition, Reboot Safe Mode, Uninstall Apps, 甚至 Factory Reset 亦未能解决问题。

Google 方面数天前在 Forum 作出回应,指有小部份 Nexus 5X 用家在手机 Android 7.0 更新后出现问题。Google 方面正继续调查问题,但已可确定跟硬件相关。Google 指出若用家遇到这样情况,可以跟所购买的店方联系安排维修或保养跟进。

即是话更新后会导致硬件出事,而出现 Reboots 情况,在软件方面已无法救回手机,只可入厂维修。至于是甚?硬件部份出事,为何会出事则未清楚。

We understand that a very small number of users are experiencing a bootloop issue on the Nexus 5X. We are continuing to investigate the situation, but can confirm that this is strictly a hardware related issue. For those of you that are currently experiencing this, please contact your place of purchase for warranty or repair options.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your continued patience.

各位 Nexus 5X 用家可以留意一下手机的情况,亦可以跟进 Nexus Help Forum 内的相关讨论。!topic/nexus/kaMOvuf093Q
