BlackBerry 停止自行生产手机

BlackBerry ends hardware developement

BlackBerry 曾是商业用家的首选电话,但随着智能手机普及,BlackBerry 在市场上的占有率就不断萎缩,有估计指黑莓在市场率只有 0.1%。虽然 BlackBerry 也推出了运行 Android 的手机 (BlackBerry Priv),但情况仍未见好转。BlackBerry 公布第二季度的财务表现,亏蚀3.72亿美元,亦宣布停止生产手机。

Our new Mobility Solutions strategy is showing signs of momentum, including our first major device software licensing agreement with a telecom joint venture in Indonesia. Under this strategy, we are focusing on software development, including security and applications. The company plans to end all internal hardware development and will outsource that function to partners. This allows us to reduce capital requirements and enhance return on invested capital

BlackBerry CEO 程守宗上任三年来,都着力在重组亏损严重的设备生产业务,但最终仍要宣布停止自行生产手机设备,BlackBerry 会专注于软件业务,并会跟一间印尼企业合作,组成合营公司,负责生产和分销设备。

BlackBerry 之前已不再开发自家的操作系统,改为投入 Android 阵营,并在 Android 系统之上加入过往 BlackBerry 的重点功能,如数据保安,所以 BlackBerry 往后专注于软件业务也是有迹可寻。

Source: BlackBerry
