Pokemon GO 还会改进 Gym 训练

Pokemon GO Gym

除了之前提到奖牌成就功能提升捉精灵机会外,Niantic 再公布 Pokemon GO 一项新改进,可以让训练员更有效提升小精灵的作战能力。

新改动下,训练员到访自己 Team 的道馆 Gym 时,可以一次过带六只小精灵进行训练,原本每次只限一只。

when training at a friendly Gym, Trainers will be able to bring six Pokémon to battle instead of one. In addition,

而场馆内的小精灵亦会因应玩家小精灵的 Level,而自动临时下调 CP 配合进行训练。

the CP of the Pokémon you are training against may be temporarily adjusted lower during your training session to generally match your Pokémon’s battle capabilities.

新改动下,将有助 Level 较低的训练员投入游戏。这个功能会跟之前的奖牌成就功能会在新版本推出。

Source: Pokemon GO
